Monday, November 29, 2010

CLD #108

Business Professor: "Maybe 10 years from now you'll all have million-dollar yachts." What do we really want in 10 years? Why do we wake up in the morning? Why do we go to college? Why do we do so much for our children? Why do we care? Judaism urges us to ask these questions all the time! It is not a religion that ignores the question: Does G-d exist! We definitely need to stick to a Rabbi (like it says in pirkei avot) and ask the questions that we foolishly all think do not get asked! Search for a Rabbi that fits you and I promise you will be happy! Do not be afraid to ask, because I know people who do not ask and are lost, and I say thank G-d all the time for the amazing Rabbis I had the zchut to speak in depth with about my life and my spiritual issues (everyone has some). So start your shavua in a good way and call up your rabbi and just have a little conversation. 

Open Up, because everyone has something to work on.

Shavua Tov

pic: Rav Yoshiyahu Pinto shlit'a


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